Timbers are used to construct everything from decks to large commercial buildings. The practicality of building with timbers has withstood the test of time and is increasingly popular today as a long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing construction technique.
We are one of the only mills in Ontario to stock top-quality timbers. Most other mills stock green Douglas fir, but we stock the best of the best! We've sourced Canadian Douglas Fir from 6" x 6" through 8" x 14".
Our high-quality wood beams are produced at our sawmill and used by contractors, home builders and timber framers Canada-wide. All our beams are precision cut from dried, Canadian Douglas Fir logs to produce a beautiful finished product with minimal shrinkage.
Our specialized sawmill production and tracking system allow us to handle orders both large and small. Our circular precision cutting and digital industrial controls allow efficient production of timbers up to 8" x 14".
At South Parry Lumber, our Douglas Fir timbers are select structural, free of heart and kiln dried. Structurally sound free of heart timbers are cut from the outside of the log, avoiding the heart wood. This makes the timber less likely to check as it ages, and therefore some builders prefer it to the boxed heart alternative.